The Phlebotomy Program trains individuals to perform accurately and competently skin punctures and venipunctures, collect other specimens or cultures, and transport specimens for laboratory testing. Phlebotomists are generally supervised by nurses, clinical laboratory scientists, or other experienced phlebotomy technicians.
BPCC’s Phlebotomy (PBT) Program consists of a Pre-Clinical component and a Clinical component. Students may work at any pace (part time/full time) to complete the Pre-Clinical courses (i.e. Qualification Courses) and other requirements. While in the Qualification courses (which have to be completed with a “C” or better) students attend the Clinical Packet meeting and apply for admission to the clinical component. Allied Health Program Applications are available online. Students attend a Clinical Luncheon to learn in detail about clinical rotations. After admission to clinicals, students attend an orientation meeting to fulfill the requirements of the hospitals. After graduation, students sit for a national certification exam. Passing this exam qualifies students to work as a phlebotomist anywhere in the nation. The program is designed so that a student may complete the Pre-Clinical component in one semester (4 months) and the other required classes and clinical component in one semester (4 months). The phlebotomy program is one of the shortest programs at BPCC.
Click here for the program curriculum.
ALHT 102/102L
A student must enter clinicals within 2 years of passing ALHT 102/102L or they must sit for the final exams and skills tests again. If it has been 5 years since ALHT 102 was taken, the student must take ALHT 102/102L again before entering clinicals.

To enter the Phlebotomy Program, a person must have a high school diploma or GED, and mark “Phlebotomy” as their major. Applications for admission to BPCC may be obtained online or on the Bossier Campus in Building F.
Completed packets are due to the program coordinator in March and October each year. The packet must contain the following information:
- Allied Health Program Application
- Essential Requirements
- Physical Exam form (completed by a doctor)
- Copy of Driver’s License or State Issued Identification Card
- VA Modules
- Current American Heart Association Basic Life Support (BLS) for Healthcare Provide Certification
- OSHA Certification
- HIPAA Certification
- Health insurance card or verification letter
- Hepatitis B vaccination series
- Hepatitis B titer**
- Varicella titer**
- Rubella and Rubeola titer**
- Negative TB skin test or negative chest x-ray report (current for the year)
- 2 MMR (2 MMR if born after 1957, only 1 MMR if born before 1957)
- Tetanus (within 10 years)
- Influenza vaccine (flu shot) required at many facilities
*A negative titer may require additional vaccinations and titers to be performed.
*Note: Contents must be submitted on Canvas.
Students attend the Clinical Packet meeting approximately one month prior to the application due date to learn how to fill out the Allied Health Program Application. Details are given on all parts of the application including how to download the required forms from the web site, and how to properly submit verification of required immunizations and blood tests.
The pre-clinical component of the program has only those costs associated with regular tuition per credit hour which is the same for all BPCC students. Once accepted into the clinical component of the program there are additional costs related to clinical fees, uniforms, immunizations, etc.
Students receive a letter of acceptance or rejection through email after grades for the semester are posted. A total of fifteen students will be accepted. If more than fifteen students qualify, two alternates are chosen. Students who are not accepted may re-apply the next semester. They are given no preference.
Selection criteria are as follows:
- Completed Allied Health Program Application
- Minimum of a “C” or better for all of the qualification courses.
Note: If more than fifteen students meet the above criteria, students with the highest GPA for qualification courses will be selected first.
Students who are selected for the clinical component of the PBT Program must be available for early morning and daytime clinical rotations Monday-Friday, and a Thursday evening class with the Clinical Instructors and Clinical Coordinator. The schedule for the entire semester is given out by the first day of clinicals.
Phlebotomy students will attend an orientation meeting after acceptance into clinicals to fill out forms and meet the requirements of the clinical facilities.
After passing second semester classes, the student will don a cap and gown and attend a graduation ceremony in his or her honor. He or she will receive a diploma bearing the Certificate of Technical Studies in Phlebotomy. In addition, students are “pinned” by the program director with an allied health pin on the stage during the graduation ceremony.
Students register for the national phlebotomy certification exam at the beginning of ALHT 211: Phlebotomy Hospital Clinical. After passing second semester classes, students may sit for the exam. The cost of the exam ($135.00) is included in the student’s tuition. National Certification in Phlebotomy allows individuals to practice phlebotomy anywhere in the nation.
The job market for graduates of the BPCC Phlebotomy Program is good. Starting pay in the Shreveport-Bossier area is approximately $ 12.00-$15.00 per hour. Starting pay nationwide is higher.
Graduate ASCP Certification Pass Rate
BPCC Clinical Class | Score: Program Mean/ Nat’l Mean | # of Students Passing/# Exams | BPCC Pass Rate | National Pass Rate |
Spring 2021 |
561/553 |
1/5 |
83.33% |
90.40% |
Fall 2021 |
550/553 |
6/6 |
100% |
91.41% |
Spring 2022 | 549/558 | 12/12 | 100% | 90.72% |
Fall 2022 | 509/568 | 5/5 | 100% | 92.79% |
Spring 2023 | 567/533 | 8/8 | 100% | 91% |
Fall 2023 | 549/561 | 6/6 | 100% | 92% |
Three-year Average BPCC Certification Pass Rate: 97%
Graduation Rate/Attrition Rate
BPCC Clinical Class | Number of Students Who Began | Number of Students Who Finished | Number of Students Who Did Not Finish | Graduation Rate |
Fall 2020 – Spring 2021 | 16 | 15 | 1 | 94% |
Fall 2021 – Spring 2022 |
18 | 18 | 0 | 100% |
Fall 2022 – Spring 2023 | 13 | 13 | 0 | 100% |
Three-year Graduation Rate: 98%
Three-year Attrition Rate: 2%
BPCC Clinical Class | Number of Students Who Graduated | Number of Students Who Found Employment or Continued Education | Number of Students Who Did Neither | Number of Students On Whom There is No Information | Yearly Average Placement Rate |
Fall 2020 – Spring 2021 | 15 | 12 | 2 | 1 | 86% |
Fall 2021 – Spring 2022 | 17 | 15 | 1 | 1 | 94% |
Fall 2022 - Spring 2023 | 13 | 11 | 1 | 1 | 92% |
Three Year Graduate Placement Rate: 91%
Click here to download the phlebotomy student handbook.
The BPCC Phlebotomy Program is approved by the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences, 5600 N. River Rd., Suite 720 Rosemont, IL 60018-5119, 773-714-8880.
Contact Information
Melissa Shepherd
Phlebotomy Program Director
Office: Bldg H -120
Phone office: 318-678-6096
Email address: