The purpose of the Student Government Association (SGA) is to encourage meaningful participation in student activities, to represent and execute the student will, and to promote the general welfare of self-government. SGA members, who are elected by the student body, represent all BPCC students by providing input into College policies and College management. During the fall and spring semesters, the SGA members serve as the voice of advocacy for all BPCC students.
In addition, SGA members assist with events and activities sponsored by the Office of Student Life. Students are elected to serve as representatives, executive officers (President, Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer), or campus liaisons. Tuition waivers are available for executive officers and campus liaisons only. The SGA meets every Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. in F-220. Meetings are open to all currently-enrolled BPCC students. Representatives and executive officers are required to attend meetings in person. Campus Liaisons are required to attend meetings virtually.
Executive Officer Qualifications
Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer positions are open for the 24-25 school year.
- 2.5 or higher cumulative GPA
- Minimum of 12 semester hours completed at BPCC
Full-time student currently enrolled in 12 or more credit hours at the Bossier campus
Representative Qualifications
Fifteen (15) Representative positions are open for the 24-25 school year.
- 2.0 or higher cumulative GPA
- Currently enrolled in at least 6 credit hours at the Bossier campus
Campus Liaison Qualifications
One (1) Natchitoches Campus Liaison and two (2) Sabine Valley Campus Liaison positions are open for the 24-25 school year.
- 2.5 or higher cumulative GPA
- Full-time student currently enrolled in 12 or more credit hours at the Natchitoches or Sabine Valley campus
Applications are due by 4:30pm on Friday, September 6, 2024. Submit completed forms to the Office of Student Life (F-220) or via e-mail to studentlife@bpcc.edu.
The online election will open at 8:00am on Wednesday, September 11, 2024. Eligible voters will receive voting credentials in their BPCC student email account. The online election will close at 12:00pm (noon) on Friday, September 13, 2024. Results will be posted online.
- Candidates are not required to campaign, but it is encouraged.
- Campaigning is only allowed during election week.
- Candidates are expected to represent themselves in a respectful manner and demonstrate good sportsmanship.
- Campaign flyers/posters may NOT be placed on cars, elevators, glass windows/doors, or painted surfaces.
- Candidates are responsible for removing all campaign materials at the conclusion of the election.
We, the members of Bossier Parish Community College Student Government Association, strive to promote the general welfare and best interests of the College, develop a meaningful exchange of ideas between students and administration, and exercise our capacity for self-government. In order to assume the maximum powers with the responsibilities and policies of the College, the students do ordain and establish this constitution for the Student Government Association.
Section 1
Organization Name
The governing body provided by this constitution shall be known as the Student Government Association of Bossier Parish Community College (SGA of BPCC).
Section 2
Organization Purpose
The purpose of the Student Government Association (SGA) shall be:
- to represent the student body in conveying their opinions, ideas, wishes, and needs to the Administration and Faculty,
- to create and execute any measures beneficial to the student body,
- to serve as the student voice in the governing of the student body, and
- to initiate measures necessary to implement the above clauses.
Section 1
Executive Board Composition
The Executive Board shall be comprised of the following:
- President- shall be the chief executive officer of SGA;
- Vice- President/Public Relations-shall be the assistant to the chief executive officer of SGA and chair all Public Relations efforts for SGA.
- Secretary/Treasurer-shall be the clerical officer for SGA and shall keep a correct running total of all SGA moneys.
- The Executive Board is responsible for designing an agenda that adheres to this Constitution and the parliamentary authority of the Senate for regular Senate meetings. The board may meet at least once before each regular Senate meeting.
- The Executive Board will be the supervisory body of the Standing and Special Committees of the Senate and may also form Special committees.
- The Executive Board is responsible for the administrative functions of the Senate and SGA.
Section 2
Executive Board Authority
The powers of the Executive Board may not supersede the guidelines of this Constitution. However, a two-thirds (2/3)-majority vote of the senate may approve a change.
Section 1
The Senate shall be composed of the (3) Executive Officers, and (16) Representatives.
Section 2
Executive Officers
The executive officers of the Senate shall be the President, Vice President/Public Relations, and Secretary/Treasurer.
Section 3
The senate shall have sixteen Representatives. The Representatives will be elected from the student body at-large, regardless of the candidates’ academic classifications.
Section 1
Eligibility Requirements
No student of Bossier Parish Community College shall be eligible for membership in the Student Government Association (SGA) unless he/she meets the following requirements:
- Attends Bossier Parish Community College for the term elected.
- Remains in compliance with the eligibility requirements set forth in this Constitution of Student Government Association of Bossier Parish Community College (SGA of BPCC). SGA member must resign his/her position if eligibility requirements are not maintained.
Section 2
Eligibility Requirements for Executive Board
- Currently enrolled full-time students as defined by the college who have earned a minimum of 12 semester hours at BPCC as certified by the registrar.
- Student must have a 2.5 overall grade point average as certified by the registrar.
- No member of SGA shall occupy the presidency more than one (1) school year.
- The advisor will verify each GPA in January. Failure to maintain a 2.5 GPA will result in loss of scholarship and executive board position.
Section 3
Eligibility Requirements for Representatives
- Currently enrolled part-time or full-time students who have a 2.0 overall grade point average as certified by the registrar, may be elected as Representatives. The registrar may certify the GPA.
- The advisor will verify each representative’s GPA in January. Representatives falling below a 2.0 but above a 1.75 will be on probation. Voting rights will be maintained but the member(s) will only be assigned to one committee that semester.
Section 4
- At any time, any elected officer, committee chair, or co-chair may be recalled or impeached from his/her position within SGA provided that one (1) or more of the following conditions exists:
- The elected officer, committee chair, or co-chair has, by his/her action or inaction, failed to recognize and exercise those duties and responsibilities entrusted to him/her capacity or commits malfeasance.
- The elected officer, committee chair, or co-chair has, by his/her action or inaction, breaches the provisions set forth in the Constitution of SGA.
- The Senate shall initiate and try all cases. The President of SGA shall preside in all cases except when the President of the SGA is being impeached. In that case, the Vice-President shall take over the duties of the President. In any case in which the Vice-President cannot preside, the Senate shall elect a presiding officer.
- To pass an article of impeachment the Senate shall require a two-thirds (2/3)-majority vote. In order to convict, the Senate shall require a three-fourths (3/4)-majority vote
- Any member of the Senate or Executive Board may be subject to recall by the Electorate:
- The Executive Board shall, upon receipt of a petition signed by twenty percent (20%) of the number of currently enrolled members of the Student body, conduct a recall election naming the officials to be recalled.
- Three-fourths (3/4)-majority vote’s cast shall be required to remove an individual from office.
- The regular election of Executive Officers and Representatives shall be held in the spring semester, during the month of April. All Representatives and vacant Executive Officer seats shall be elected in the following fall semester by the last week of September.
- All votes shall be cast by a secret ballot.
- Executive Officers shall be elected by a majority of the currently enrolled student body voting.
- During the election of Representatives, each currently enrolled student shall be entitled to one vote for any candidate regardless of the candidate’s academic classifications. The top sixteen shall be elected.
- All representatives elected must receive the majority of the currently enrolled student body voting, unless the people are running unopposed. The representatives running unopposed will automatically assume the position.
Section 1
Student Senate
The Student Senate of SGA shall be required to execute the duties outlined herein.
- The Senate shall submit to the College Administration legislation concerning the students.
- The Senate shall take an active part in promoting ethical conduct and in maintaining all worthwhile customs of the college.
- The Senate shall provide functions and activities for the welfare of the student body.
- The Senate will receive proposals and pass resolutions regarding the expenditure of budgeted monies.
- The Senate shall consider written petitions, which have been signed by at least ten percent (10%) of the student body and have been submitted to any member of the Senate. Such petitions shall be added to the SGA agenda.
- A two-thirds (2/3)-majority vote is required to call a special meeting of the Senate.
- The Senate must have a quorum to conduct business. A majority of the voting membership of the SGA Senate shall constitute a quorum.
- Each member of the Senate shall be allowed three excused absences per semester. An absence is excused if the absent member submits the excuse in writing to the Secretary.
- Any member of the Senate who exceeds more than three absences may be subject to Article IV Section 4 of the Constitution.
Section 2
- The President shall:
- call and preside over all regularly scheduled SGA meetings; after consulting with the Faculty Advisor, may call and preside over special meetings of SGA with forty-eight hours notice; enforce observance of this Constitution and its Amendments; continually uphold the goals of the SGA and by his/her conduct, the reputation of the college; work at least (8) office hours per week in the SGA office; recognize a quorum before conducting any business; assume a neutral position on all matters brought before the SGA for which he/she has opened the floor for discussion and cast a vote only in the event of a tie; prior to the expiration of his/her term of office, make a written report of the year’s Senate activities to be read by the incoming President at the first meeting over which he/she presides; appoint members of the Senate to all Standing and Special Committees whose membership is not specified either by this Constitution or by vote of the Senate, and must designate the Chairman and CO-CHAIRMAN of all committees unless otherwise specified; with the endorsement of the Faculty Advisor, appoint a member of the SGA to serve on a faculty committee, the Senate must then approve the appointee, and he/she must be present at the meeting for approval; any appointed representative must meet all requirements for attendance stated in this Constitution; serve or his/her designee shall serve on the Planning Council and other committees as the representative for the Student Body; with the endorsement of the Faculty Advisor and approved by two-thirds (2/3)-majority vote of the Senate, appoint qualified members of the student body to fill vacated Representative position; represent or designate an SGA member to represent BPCC at all COSBP meetings; perform all duties assigned by the Director of Student Life; and
- have no power other than what is given to him/her by this Constitution.
- The Vice-President/Public Relations shall:
- fulfill the duties of the President in his/her absence; enforce observance of this Constitution and its Amendments; continually uphold the goals of the SGA and by his/her conduct, the reputation of the college; work at least eight (8) office hours per week in the SGA office; shall supervise appointees to faculty committees; be the Chairman of the Election Board; be the Chairman of the Public Relations committee; post notices of all SGA events throughout the campus one week in advance of the event; this duty requires the removal of all notices, flyers and signs from the campus immediately after the SGA event; perform all duties assigned by the Director of Student Life; and
- have no power other than what is given to him/her by this Constitution.
- The Secretary/Treasurer shall:
- enforce observance of this Constitution and its Amendments; continually uphold the goals of the SGA and by his/her conduct, the reputation of the college; work at least eight (8) hours in the SGA office; keep minutes of all meetings of the Senate and the Executive Board; the minutes shall be read, and adopted at the beginning of each subsequent meeting; respond promptly to all correspondence of the Senate and the Executive Board; have a copy of any proposal ready to present to Senate members during the meeting in which the proposal will be voted on; have charge of the finances of the SGA; keep an accurate record of all receipts and disbursements and reports the same at the first meeting of the Senate and at the last meeting of each semester, which shall be inclusive for that term; work with the Student Life Office to keep accurate monthly financial statements; be appointed to sit on the Self-Assessed Fees Committee and give a report about the committee meeting at the next regular senate meeting; perform all duties assigned by the Director of Student Life; and
- have no power other than what is given to him/her by this Constitution.
Section 1
Rules in Meetings
- SGA shall meet at least twice a month.
- A quorum must be present at all meetings during which official business is discussed.
- A quorum shall be defined as a simply majority of SGA member’s.
- The parliamentary authority of the Senate shall be the current edition of Scott, Foresman Robert’s Rule of Order (Newly Revised).
Section 2
- Each SGA member, except the President, shall be granted one (1) vote on all matters brought before SGA at regularly scheduled SGA meetings. The aforementioned vote shall be representative of a two-thirds (2/3)-majority vote cast by SGA members.
- In the event of a tie, the SGA President shall cast the deciding vote.
Section 1
Rules on Standing Committees
- SGA shall have standing committees each compromised of no less than (3) SGA member’s, to be appointed by the SGA President. In accordance with this rule, SGA members shall be granted the same rights and privileges as it relates to standing committee and/or special committee co-chair.
- SGA shall have the authority to establish ad hoc (temporary) committees that shall be charged with addressing matters that SGA deems necessary and proper. These committees shall be in the existence until such time that matters delegated to them are fully resolved.
- The co-chair shall act as secretary of the committee and shall take the minutes of each meeting.
- Minutes must be submitted to the SGA secretary before the next regular meeting.
- Committee chair shall be prepared to give a report of their meetings at each regular Senate meeting.
Section 2
- From each committee, the SGA President shall name a chair, and a co-chair. The committee chair and co-chair appointees may be subject to approval by a two-thirds (2/3)-majority vote of SGA.
- All Standing and special Committees shall meet at least twice each semester.
- The Executive Board and/or the Senate can call for the formation of Special Committees for any designated purpose or duty.
Section 3
Internal Affairs Committees
- The Internal Affairs Committee shall be composed of the Faculty Advisor, three people from the Student Government Association, and three students not within the Student Government Association. The Faculty Advisor will appoint the three non-SGA students and the SGA representatives will be voted on by secret ballot. If any member of the Internal Affairs Committee is not able to render a non-bias verdict for any reason, that person will be asked to temporarily step down from their position and the remaining committee members will elect a non-bias person to fill in. A vote of the Internal Affairs committee will be taken to ask the committee member to temporarily step down. The Faculty Advisor has no voting power.
- The Internal Affairs Committee will consult with any member of the Senate who fails to meet requirements of this Constitution and those requirements mandated by the Senate.
- After consultation, the Internal Affairs Committee may: 1. put the person in violation on probation, 2. refrain from taking any action against the individual, or 3. bring him/her before the Senate for Impeachment.
- Violation of probation is defined as the commission of one or more offenses during the semester of probation. Such a violation commences automatic impeachment proceedings as described in this Constitution.
- The powers of the Internal Affairs Committee may not supersede the guidelines of this Constitution. However, a two-thirds vote of the Senate may approve a change.
Section 4
Election Board Committee
- The Election Board shall be composed of the Vice President as Chairman, four Representatives, and the Advisor of SGA.
- The Election Board shall conduct all elections according to this Constitution and the election rules adopted either by the Election Board or the Senate.
- The Board shall supervise the drawing up and counting of all ballots, and be responsible for the same. The Advisor of SGA or his/her appointed faculty substitute must be present when counting votes.
- The Board shall settle a tie vote by conducting elimination elections.
- The Board shall declare Ineligible to Run, to any candidate violating election rules. The Board shall hear claims of election rule violations by candidates according to procedures of due process. Each side will have the opportunity to present its case. The candidate that is ruled against may appeal to the Student Life Committee, whose decision is final.
- The Board shall make interpretations pertaining to elections where questions exist that are not otherwise answered.
- The Constitution of the Student Government Association of Bossier Parish Community College may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3)-majority vote of the Senate with the authorized signature of the SGA President, or a petition of signatures, not less than ten percent (10%) of the students enrolled during the current semester.
- The Election Board shall see that the amendment is placed on the ballot in statement form with the following question and responses preceding the wording of the amendment: Do you favor the adoption of the following as an amendment to the Student Government Association Constitution?YES__________ NO__________
- The amendment shall be adopted if a majority of the voting membership reply in the affirmative.
- Following the adoption of an amendment, a Revised Version of the Constitution of the Student Government Association of Bossier Parish Community College (SGA of BPCC) shall be distributed to SGA Member’s and the SGA Advisor at the next official meeting.
- The Student Body has the right to petition the Student Government Association of Bossier Parish Community College.
- The Student Senate or any SGA Executive Officer shall not invalidate or revoke a properly submitted petition.
- The Election Board shall certify the authenticity of the signatures upon receipt and shall edit the petition for proper language.
- A properly submitted or valid petition must contain the following:
- The name of the student in legible print;
- The signature of the student;
- The date signed by the student;
- The address of student;
- The phone number of the student;
- The student ID number.
- A statement on each page of the petition stating its purpose; and
- At least ten percent (10%) of the total enrollment of the student body.
- The Student Body shall have the right to submit, collect, and circulate as many copies of a petition as it feels necessary to attain the required amount of signatures.
- Thirty days may be allowed for any valid petition from the date of the first signature until the last.
- The SGA President must call a special meeting to act on said petition, within one week of receiving said petition.
- When a petition mandates a Student Body election the following results will be necessary:
- A recall election will require two-thirds (2/3)-majority of votes cast to be in favor of removing an official from his/her office.
- Any other type of election not mentioned herein will require a simple majority of all votes cast.
In the event that a problem is not resolved after an investigation of the use of self-assessed student fees, the Committee reports to the SGA its recommendations as to whether or not the SGA should initiate the referendum process.
- A referendum may be placed on the ballot by:
A two-thirds vote of SGA with the authorized signature of the President of the SGA. Petition of not less than ten percent (10%) of the total number of students enrolled at the campus during the current semester. Each signature must include last four (4) digits of social security number, address, and phone number of the signer. The SGA may certify the authenticity of the signatures upon receipt and edit the petition for proper language. - The SGA Senate and Executive Board are responsible for a campus-wide effort to increase student awareness and understanding of the value of the student self-assessed fee(s) in question.
- The SGA election board shall see that the “recall” of the fee(s) is placed on the ballot in referendum from in accordance with the following language:”Do you favor the automatic renewal of (description of the fee) as a student self-assessed fee?”YES__________ NO__________
The student self-assessed fee(s) is renewed if a majority of the voting membership reply in the affirmative. If the vote is negative, the student fee(s) is discontinued effective at the end of the fiscal year. The fee(s) may be reinstated in any subsequent year, but only through the same process, which applies to any proposed new student self-assessed fee(s).
- Any legislation other than that stipulated in this Constitution, which governs the operation procedures of the Student Government Association, must be considered a by-law.
- A majority vote of those present and voting at a duly constituted meeting of the Senate is required to pass a by-law under this Constitution.
- By-laws may rescinded or suspend by a two-thirds (2/3)-majority vote of those present and voting duly constituted meeting of the Senate.
The powers of the SGA are those vested in it by this Constitution. All acts of the SGA shall be consistent with the provisions of the Constitution, bylaws, rules, and regulations of Bossier Parish Community College.
Summer Business
Business conducted by the Student Government Association will be held only in the Fall and Spring semesters. Meetings held in the Summer semester are limited to orientation and planning. No official business will be conducted that will effect the Student Body or any portion thereof.
The secretary and the treasury position shall be combined since there is only one scholarship.
The sophomore and freshman senator’s positions are changed to representative positions, making all of the senate composed of representatives. The representatives shall be composed of six freshman and six sophomores
(With the approval of Amendment S-01-1, and Amendment S-01-2, there will be three executive officers and twelve representatives, making the full senate composed of fifteen members.)
Composition of the Internal Affairs
The Internal Affairs Committee shall be composed of the Faculty Advisor, three people from the Student Government Association, and three students not within the Student Government. The Faculty Advisor will appoint the three non-SGA students and the SGA representatives will be voted on by secret ballot. If any member of the Internal Affairs Committee is not able to render a non-bias verdict for any reason, that person will be asked to temporarily step down from their position and the remaining committee members will elect a non-bias person to fill in. A vote of the Internal Affairs Committee will be taken to ask the committee member to temporarily step down. The Faculty Advisor has no voting power.
Succession of Officers
To have a formal succession of officers as follows:
- The Vice-President moves into the President position if the Internal Affairs committee finds that he/she has not fulfilled his/her duties of their office.
- The Secretary/Treasurer moves into the Vice-President position in the case that the Internal Affairs Committee finds that the Vice-President has not fulfilled his/her duties of their office.
- The Secretary/Treasurer position is replaced with a Senate Member, who meets the qualifications of the executive position. The member should submit an application prior to the deadline given, in which the President shall present all applicants. The Senate will vote by secret ballot and the winner must receive majority of the votes.
Students Votes
All students who vote may vote on whom ever they choose to vote for and not according to class.
Elected Representatives
All representatives elected must receive the majority of the currently enrolled student body voting, unless the people are running unopposed. The representatives running unopposed will automatically assume the position.
Term of Presidency
The President is limited to one (1) one-year terms.
The Executive Officers GPA will be raised to a 2.5, and must be maintained.
Vice-President/Public Relations
Add to the duties of the Vice-President by adding the Public Relations handling to him/her.
Self-Assessed Fees Committee
The Secretary/Treasurer shall be appointed to the Self-Assessed Fees Committee.
Eligibility Requirements for Executive Board
The advisor will verify each GPA in January. Failure to maintain a 2.0 GPA will result in loss of scholarship and executive position.
Eligibility Requirements for Representatives
The advisor will verify each representative’s GPA in January. Representatives falling below a 2.0 but above a 1.75 will be on probation. Voting rights will be maintained but the member(s) will only be assigned to one committee that semester.
Removal of Classification for Representatives
Representatives will no longer be identified as freshman or sophomore.
Increase In Number of Representatives
The number of representatives will be increased by 4 positions with the total being 16. This increase will begin with the fall 2005 senate.
Increase In Number of Representatives
The number of representatives will be increased by 2 positions with the total being 18. This increase will begin with the fall 2019 senate.
Section 1
Public Access
- SGA meetings shall be open to the public in accordance with the Open Meetings Law of the Senate of Louisiana.
- SGA reserves the authority to go into executive session by a two-thirds (2/3)-majority vote of the SGA members.
- An executive session shall be open to only SGA members and SGA Advisor and Bossier Parish Community College Administration.
- Notwithstanding, SGA members may allow any person deemed important to the discussion of the matter at hand to remain in the session via a two-thirds (2/3)-majority vote.
Section 2
The following shall be protocol for conducting business at regularly scheduled SGA meetings:
- Roll Call
- Approval of minutes
- Executive Board Reports
- Committee Reports
- Old Business
- New Business
- Advisor Report
- Adjournment
- All SGA members shall be required to attend all regularly scheduled SGA and committee meetings.
- SGA President or by proxy any executive officer shall not be penalized for any absences maintained at COSBP or LCTCS.
- Attendance will be checked every meeting.
- Attendance for required events will be checked from approved time sheets that will be given to each member before such event.
- When an SGA Member has accumulated a total of two weeks of unexcused absences, (As per the BPCC attendance policy, two weeks worth of absences would be equal to two absences per semester) he/she will receive a letter of dismissal from SGA.
- All absences due to school-sanctioned activities, mandatory military exercises, validated illness with doctor’s excuse, and jury duty are excused. Other absences may or may not be excused at the discretion of the advisor. In the event of an absence, it is the student’s responsibility to submit acceptable documentation to the SGA Officers by the next scheduled SGA meeting. Work responsibilities are not excused absences. Examples of acceptable forms of excusable documentation are doctor’s excuses if you miss because you are sick or an obituary if you miss because of a death in the family.
- Tardiness is treated as an absence unless an excuse is accepted by the advisor.
- A student who wishes to withdraw from the SGA should do so officially by submitting a letter of resignation to the Advisor or an SGA Officer.
- If a member disagrees with a dismissal from SGA, he or she should discuss this action with the Advisor. The student may then appeal the action to the Vice-Chancellor of Student Services. An appeal letter must be submitted with a complete explanation of the reason for the appeal including documentation.ned at COSBP, or LCTCS.
In the event of removal due to absences, recall, resignation, or inability to hold office for any other reason, the following shall apply.
- The Vice-President/Public Relations shall succeed the President of SGA.
- The Secretary/Treasurer shall succeed the Vice-President/Public Relations.
- A Senate Member shall succeed the Secretary/Treasurer.
- A vacancy in the position of the Senate shall be filled by the SGA.
Section 1
Duties of Committee Officers
The officers of SGA’s standing committees shall be required to execute the duties outlined herein. Failure to do so will subject the individual in question to the provisions set forth in Article II of this document. Any vacancies that result shall be filled in accordance with Article III of this document.
- The committee chair shall:
- call and preside over all regularly scheduled committee meetings
- reserve the authority to call special committee meetings;
- prepare an agenda for each committee meeting;
- recognize a quorum before conducting any business;
- vote only in the event of a tie, and
- perform any other duties assigned by the advisor.
- The committee co-chair shall:
- record the minutes of all meetings;
- submit the minutes to the Secretary of the SGA before the next regular Senate meeting;
- preside over meetings in the absence of the committee chair;
- assume the position of committee chair should the office become vacant; and
- perform any other duties assigned by the committee chair.
Section 2
Duration of Committee Appointments
- Upon approval by a two-thirds (2/3)-majority vote of GSA, the newly appointed committee chairs and co-chairs shall assume their duties. The appointed committee members shall assume their duties upon being named to their respective committees by the SGA Executive Officers.
- The committee chair, co-chair, and committee members’ term shall run concurrently with the term of the elected SGA’s Executive Officers.
Section 3
SGA’s standing committees shall include, but not limited to the following:
- Student Activities Committee-shall be charged with addressing matters concerning SGA sponsored activities, for example Back to School Bash, Pig Outs, Fun Day, etc..
- Election Board Committee-shall work with the Vice President/Public Relations addressing matters concerning SGA sponsored elections.
- Public Relations Committee-shall work with the Vice President/Public relations addressing matters concerning the internal and external communications of SGA.
- Internal Affairs Committee-shall be charged with addressing any SGA member who fails to meet requirements of this Constitution and those requirements mandated by the Senate.
Section 4
Duties of Committees
- The Student Activities Committee shall:
- address matters concerning all SGA sponsored activities;
- work in conjunction with the Division of Student Life to plan, organize, organize, and implement the activities and events scheduled.
- The Election Board Committee shall:
- carryout all duties assigned in the Constitution under Article VIII, Section 4
- The Public Relations Committee shall:
- Be composed of the Vice President/Public Relations as Chairman, and at least three (3) Representatives;
- Address matters concerning the internal and external communications of SGA;
- The Internal Affairs Committee shall:
- Notify all members of the SGA who are summoned before the IA Committee by a letter, placing the hearing two weeks after the dated notification letter. Not discuss the allegations before or after the hearing, or proper disciplinary actions will be taken. Notify each IA Committee member by letter of the allegations to be heard at the hearing. Be required to attend the hearing, which will be conducted by the Chair of IA Committee, with proper discussion time being allocated to the floor. Submit all questions in writing to the Chair. Meet and reach a decision within one school day of the hearing. Be granted one (1) vote on all matters brought before the committee. In the event of a tie, the committee chair shall cast the deciding vote. Notify the member alleged of the decision by letter within three school days of the hearing.
- Present a report, by the Chair, of the proceeding at the next scheduled SGA meeting, unless a special session is deemed necessary.
The College President or a person designated by him shall administer the oath of office for the SGA President. The oath shall be as follows:
I (name) swear (or affirm) to fulfill the duties of this high office entrusted to me to the utmost of my ability, to encourage student interest and involvement in College affairs, to speak frankly and candidly in representing student interest, and in all my endeavors to reflect honor and merit upon this organization and this college.
The SGA President shall administer the following oath of office to Representatives and other Executive Officers upon his or her taking office:
I (name) swear (or affirm) to fulfill the duties of the office entrusted to me to the utmost of my ability, to serve purposefully and meaningfully, to speak frankly and candidly in representing student interest, and in all endeavors to reflect honor and merit upon this organization and this College.
Contact Information
Tiffany Sandifer