ACCUPLACER measures your knowledge in math, reading, and writing to identify your skills in each subject area. This assessment is a multiple-choice untimed test taken at your own pace. The test is adaptive meaning which questions will be given next is based upon previous answers. This provides a more accurate method of measuring an individual student's skill levels than a general test. It also means that no two tests taken are precisely the same. You are encouraged to give each question as much thought as you wish before selecting your final answer. 

ACCUPLACER assessments are provided as a service for BPCC community, education, and industry partners. ACCUPLACER is not required for admission to BPCC. Click here for BPCC Placement Testing guidelines and policies.

Scores are provided directly to the tester, unless a score release agreement is in place with a BPCC partner. It is the responsibility of the tester to provide scores to the appropriate sources.

Testers are strongly encouraged to access the ACCUPLACER Student Page to view practice resources such as sample test questions, test-taking tips, and a downloadable student study app provided by ACCUPLACER. Note that only the computer calculator is permitted for use when taking the ACCUPLACER mathematics test.